It’s happened to the best of us. Looking to smoke a joint and there is no grinder to be found. So what do you do? Not smoke? Yeah right! As most experienced stoners will tell you, there’s always a way to grind up your weed. Check out these few methods and let us know what you think! We will start with the obvious using a grinder and then expand from there. Creativity is always a must!
4 Different Ways to Grind Weed
1. Grinder
The first method we will discuss is also the best way of grinding up your weed. Simple, use a grinder. You can find grinders or busters anywhere. Smoke shops, convenience stores, or your local dispensary. They are fairly inexpensive and very simple to use. Bust up your weed, place it in the grinder and twist!
You can find a grinder to fit any budget. Finding a nice cheap simple grinder is not hard. They come in different shapes, colours and sizes. You can also purchase a grinder with more layers. For example, a grinder can collect kief. Kief is the THC that falls off the bud while you grind it. There are grinders on the market that can sift your kief. Over time your kief will collect in your grinder which you can use later on in your joint. Sprinkle some kief on that joint for an extra punch!
Nothing really beats the classing method of grinding your weed. Using a grinder is simple, convenient and quick!
2. Your Hands
You got your favourite strain of weed but no grinder on-site. What do you do? Well, might be time to get those fingers sticky. Busting up the weed with your hand will take longer than using a grinder. The end results may not turn out as pretty as using a grinder either. But when that need for a joint arises a stoner gets creative! This is a method every experienced stoner has had to use in their weed-smoking days.
There are benefits to busting up weed with your hands. If you are looking to smoke out of a bong or a pipe then you don’t want your weed to ground too fine. Using your hands and doing a rough bust-up job will be just fine when you are looking for that one-hitter with your favourite pipe. The biggest advantage to using your hands to grind weed is that anyone can do it. It’s simple and fast but the downside is that it is the least effective way of grinding your weed out of all the methods listed.
3. Coffee Grinder
Having a dedicated weed grinder is always beneficial. But there are other grinders you can use to complete the same task at hand. The classic coffee grinder works great when you are looking to bust up your favourite strain of marijuana. Although coffee grinders are not made to be cannabis-specific, they work great and do the job very well.
To use the coffee grinder, simply pack the coffee grinder with your favourite cannabis strain and grind it the same way you would your coffee beans. Be careful to not over-grind your weed. If it is ground up too fine then it might not burn as well and your smoke session might not be as enjoyable. You want to avoid grinding it to a fine dust. Instead, try to rough grind your weed in your coffee grinder. Stopping and checking after grinding it for a couple seconds each time. Once you’ve reached your desired chunkiness it’s time to roll your joint!
The other downside to using a coffee grinder to grind weed is: if you are using it for your coffee beans then chances are you will get some weed in your coffee. As these coffee grinders can oftentimes be difficult to clean. So if this is the method you choose to use it might be nice to have a dedicated weed grinder to make your life a little easier.
4. Scissors
Man back to the old school we go! As many experienced old-school stoners know. We didn’t always have access to so many smoke shops. We had to make do with the tools we had. And one of those tools was a nice reliable pair of scissors. Investing in a cheap pair of slim long thin scissors is beneficial for any stoner.
So how do we use scissors to cut up our weed? Simple. First get your trusty pair of scissors, a bowl or glass jar and your favourite strain of cannabis. Number two: make sure your glass jar is clean and your scissors are disinfected. Number three: place your weed in the glass jar and start snipping away. It’s best to use a glass jar or a deep bowl so that your weed stays in one place and doesn’t fly around your entire room. The goal is to cut up the weed and not lose it!
The advantage to this method is that there is no need for a marijuana grinder and a simple everyday house tool is more than enough to perform this simple task at hand. This is definitely a slower method when it comes to grinding up weed and the end product might not be the prettiest but it is effective. Another disadvantage is it might take longer for you to grind up your weed and it won’t be as finely ground up as it would be in a weed grinder.
5. Pestle and Mortar
Now let’s take it back to the real old school. This method might just be the original way weed was ground up hundreds of years ago, or maybe not lol. Talk about traditional, the mortar and pestle is one of the oldest kitchen gadgets we have. There isn’t a culture in the world that does not have this tool incorporated in their cooking techniques. From grinding up herbs to spices, truly a useful tool.
So how exactly do we use a mortar and pestle to grind up our weed? Remember to remove your sticks, stems and leaves. Once this is done, break up your flower into smaller chunks and get to work! Put the weed directly into the mortar and use the pestle to grind it up like you would any other herbs or spices.
This method is pretty old-fashioned but it can do the job well. The weed that you have may not look as pretty as it would coming out of a weed grinder but it is a method that can be used when it needs to be used.
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Credit: weedmaps