How to Store Weed?

The Purple ButlerWeedLeave a Comment

learn about how to store weed

No matter if you are a bulk buyer or just looking for some basic tips on how to store your weed, we can help you! In this article, we will go over some basics of how to store your weed. To begin with, if you like to purchase your weed in bulk then kudos to you! Many people these days are switching up to bulk buying and the benefits are: saving on cost by purchasing wholesale, saving on shipping costs, purchasing in bulk can be more sustainable and less wasteful. However, buying your weed in bulk can come with some challenges. Mainly how to store bulk weed. Or even if it’s just 5-7 grams you always want your weed to be as fresh as possible. When marijuana is stored at a proper temperature it has a better aroma, texture and overall taste.

Although what we are about to go over may seem complicated to most, it is actually quite simple. The basic rule for storing marijuana is that it should be dry and cured properly before storing it in a cool dry place. Make sure your weed is not wet or moist because that can be a recipe for disaster. Once you have your cannabis cured properly you can store it in a dark cool place for almost an unlimited amount of time. There is no real expiration date on marijuana. As long as cannabis is stored properly it can last over 12 months without losing its aroma, flavour or potency.

With all that being said it’s not just about throwing your cannabis into a bag and tossing it into some dark corner. There are basic rules you need to follow. The environment itself must be right in order for cannabis not to lose its characteristics or potency.

Ways to Store Weed Under Different Conditions

The Secret to storing your weed in the correct manner is to protect it from natural elements. Air, temperature, light and moisture can all help deteriorate your cannabis if not maintained correctly. We will go over how each one of these elements can be a possible harm to your weed.

air can affect the weed quality

1. Air

Air if not controlled properly can be very detrimental to your weed stash. Air contains oxygen. Oxygen is an element that can rapidly affect marijuana. If there is too little, then it can increase the humidity of the cannabis and cause growth of mold, mildew and other fungus that are harmful to cannabis. If there is too much oxygen where you are storing your cannabis then your cannabis will break down at a rapid pace. Too much oxygen breaks down the terpenes causing your weed to lose its pungent aroma or potent flavour profile. This can oftentimes lead to the cannabis having a more grass or hay like smell to it.

Like having potent weed? Well you won’t for long if you don’t control that oxygen flow. Too much oxygen can also lead to breaking down the THC levels found in cannabis. This can lead to having less potent weed to smoke. Now that can be a real problem. What’s the point of smoking if it isn’t going to get you high? Protect your cannabis. Protect the THC levels. And most importantly protect your investment! The best way to keep your weed just right is to vacuum seal it. Vacuum sealers are a cheap and effective way of increasing the longevity of most food products. Vacuum sealers are great for extending the life of meats, and vegetables by vacuum sealing them and throwing them in the freezer.

Guess what? They are great for weed too! You can purchase any food-grade vacuum sealer and it will do that job. Make sure you don’t squeeze all the air out when vacuum sealing. Leaving a little air in your bag while vacuum sealing can help keep your weed nice and fresh. Once vacuum sealed and stored in a nice cool place your weed is easily safe for 6-12 months.

No vacuum sealer? An airtight container can work just as well. Make sure you get a high-quality air tight container. Preferably glass if available. Ensure you have your cannabis placed properly in the container and close it shut. Try not to jam-pack your weed into the container because once again if you don’t have proper airflow your weed can get moldy.

weed shouldn't store in high temperature

2. Temperature

High temperatures are never a good thing for weed. That’s why you never hear about the best weed being grown in desert-like settings. Any time you hear potent high-quality cannabis and temperature mentioned in the same sentence it’s usually followed by rainforest-type environments. Some of the best cannabis in the world is grown on the west coast or the “wet coast”. Whether it’s BC, Washington, Oregon or California. The one thing all these places have in common is the ideal environment. Not too cold and not too hot and the right amount of precipitation.

Now these might be ideal growing environments but what is the ideal storing environment? That is simple. A cool dark place. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated but simply a cool dark place where you can regulate the temperature. Temperatures that are dangerous for cannabis are 80 degrees Fahrenheit plus. That’s when you have to start worrying about mold growth. And no the answer is not just popping it in your refrigerator as most people initially think. It can get too cold in your refrigerator and there can be liquids spilled which can lead to other issues. Places that might qualify: a cool dark attic, a cool dark crawl space or even a closet in a basement where your temperature and light are regulated. If you don’t keep the temp in mind then once again you are messing with the terpenes in your weed which will cause the flavor and aroma to erode.

store your weed in a glass jar can keep some UV ray a bit

3. Light

Light is a big no no for your weed stash. The intense rays of light are what kill off the vibrant colours of your cannabis. These same rays of light are what cause your cannabis to lose its flavour profile by slowly eroding the terpenes. Most people love storing their cannabis in a mason jar and because it’s airtight they think everything is good. While this is a great technique to keep oxygen out, you are still letting the UV rays through.  What is the solution? Try using a glass jar that is brown instead of clear. Similar to beer bottles. This brown glass can help block some of the UV rays which deteriorate your cannabis and protect it and keep it tasting fresh longer.

it is not recommended weed to store moist

4. Moisture

Moisture like the other elements listed is very detrimental to your cannabis. You want to avoid having moist weed at all costs. It will not burn properly if you are smoking it and it will not last long if you are storing it. If you try to store moist weed you will end up with a lot of mold and fungus on your stash. That is why it’s always best to ensure your weed is at the ideal temperature before you store it. Using a salt-based moisture control packet is a great way to regulate humidity when storing your weed. These packets can help maintain the ideal moisture levels when you’re storing your weed.

If you have followed these techniques then you will have nice flavourful weed to smoke for quite some time. If you did not follow these basic rules today then you risk having weed that has lost its flavour, its aroma and its sticky texture. Not only that but the smoke will also feel very harsh on your throat and lungs. All in all, storing your weed properly is the only way to ensure that your investment was a good one. In the end, what is the point of purchasing your weed in bulk if you do not take care of the weed you purchased?

Purple Bulter offers weed delivery services, contact us if you are looking for weed, and let us know if you have any questions about storing your weed.

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